11, Jul 2024
Chapter 2 Directed by Tucao

Li Jie, Fang Siyi’s agent, naturally couldn’t bear to pass a candid photo of Fang Siyi directly. In the photo, Fang Siyi is sitting in the director’s chair, but she is wearing a long fairy drama and is directing the filming. Look calm and serious, but look dignified. At that…

10, Jul 2024
Is this small one really a four-story repair of refining gas? Why is the attack of gas refining four-layer repair so powerful?

Jade is not a big cold sweat, but although it has been attacked, its own Yulong flag has also been rolled up to Sun Haoyu, vomiting blood. Just now, it was hit and hurt badly, thinking that your attack is severe, but your defense can’t be severe, right? Jade wants…

10, Jul 2024
Feng Shuang moss and Qi Yi’s powers and Qi Cai’s EU are even more proud to look at Tao Mo. If Tao Mo is afraid of death and refuses to give in easily, then Tao Mo is the whole Taojia sinner who will be spurned by the whole Taojia even if he is alive in the future.

If Tao Mo obediently gave in easily, it became her good name. Unfortunately, it fell into the hands of the Qi family and carried seven lives of the Qi family. Tao Mo would definitely be dead. At one time, Feng Shuang and Tao Mo felt that there was a wolf…

7, Jul 2024
Hearing the broken two soldiers can clearly look back at the one on the left, and turning around to see a shadow in the corner of their eyes, it becomes extremely difficult to breathe after the throat cools down.

The captain wiped his throat without stopping and rolling, and then he came to another soldier. The soldier just wanted to shout a saber when he stabbed him through his tongue and sank into his brain. The captain covered his mouth, and the soldiers looked at each other’s eyes from…

6, Jul 2024
It stands to reason that the fat supervisor should be happy in the face of a group of people who are stupid enough not to shoot.

But there are too many people who can’t stand it! Hungry people are still pouring out of tunnels, just like paper soaked in water, and their territory is constantly infiltrated and compressed. Although the peripheral guards keep shooting, they consume the speed of the bombs and can’t keep up with…

6, Jul 2024
"It’s compressed cake again!" Marisa really doesn’t feel like she has any appetite. Her cheeks are aching.

"You can take a bite of cake, then drink saliva and wait for water to soak the cake in your mouth. You will chew and swallow it almost at the same time, so it will be less exciting!" Wesley handed the water to Martha, too "Now everything is alive!" Lu…

4, Jul 2024
"What a coincidence?" Qin Yue walked beside her and rubbed her head. "I heard Lingfei say that you are here to pick you up and go home together."

It turned out that Lingfei talked to tell him that if he didn’t talk, she might suspect him. Jane is very white, but now she is in a bad state, but she can’t control her thoughts. She smiled apologetically at Qin Yue and said, "Mr. Qin, if you have nothing…

30, Jun 2024
JianZhengTian climb up and patted the dust looked at two men nu way "who are you? Who on earth sent you? "

Two men took a cold look at Jianzhengtian, locked the door and turned away. Both of them didn’t say a word to Jianzhengtian. The closed white door cut off all the roofs of the outside world, and the fluorescent lamp on is all the configuration of this room. Jian Zhengtian…

29, Jun 2024
After a lot of hardships, she finally returned to the stalwart man.

"Pear fragrance, see if you are tanned." Pi two dog stared at this face that hasn’t been washed away and couldn’t help but feel great love. Two people stared at each other. Suddenly, it was like a pole of firewood and fire slamming forward with their mouths and kissing for…

28, Jun 2024
I filled my feet with momentum and suddenly stopped, only to find that I was poor and didn’t even have an outlet!

"You won!" The back of Miao’s hand rubbed his cheeks, turned around and gave the man three words directly and returned to the car. Bang- The man clenched his fist and hit the roof with his big palm, and the whole car shook when there was a loud noise. He…